Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Never say never

I never thought I'd be even tempted to blog. To blog. How is it, that in the space of just a few years, "to blog" has become a verb? Obviously because it has become a part of everyday speech and it has become a part of everyday speech because lots of people do it. First there was "to Google" and now there is "to blog".

Anyway, this is beside the point, isn't it? The point is to find a way for our family and friends to be able to keep track of our very odd and transitory lives. I (Karen) will essentially be doing all the writing, but it will not be without the input of my husband Erik and I hope to convince him once in a while to write something himself.

As you all know, we musicians lead pretty hectic lives, especially me as a free-lance musician. What some of you probably still don't even know yet, is that we've added chaotic to hectic and the result is that Erik is trying out a position
in the bass section of the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra in Doha. Here I would use that handy little link option so that you could all learn more about the orchestra, but there is no link. This orchestra has no internet presence whatsoever which, for some people, means it doesn't exist. But we'll get into that later...

Now to explain the title of the blog, since you non-Swedes will have no idea what it means. Puttes äventyr i blåbärsskogen is a famous old chidren's book by Elsa Beskow (1874-1953) in which a little boy is searching for blueberries for his mother's birthday and suddenly finds himself the size of Tom Thumb. When that happens, ants and snails take on an entirely different proportion for him.
That's a bit how we feel sometimes.

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